If a human is suffering from knee pain of old origin, is this symptom sufficient to take Homeopathic medicine Hypericum or Arnica? No, it is not sufficient; there is particular case history of cases, in which Homoeopathic medicine Arnica is required and in cases, in which Homoeopathic medicine Hypericum is required.
So, what is this case history, which is present in cases requiring Homoeopathic medicine Arnica? And, what case history, is found in cases requiring Homoeopathic medicine Hypericum; for treatment of Knee pain? Well, I will discuss both case histories; one by one.
Case history found in knee pain cases, requiring Homoeopathic
medicine Arnica-Case history, which is found in knee pain cases requiring Homeopathic medicine Arnica; consists of following totality of symptoms-
1) Number one kind of symptom- found in case history of knee pain requiring treatment of Homoeopathic medicine Arnica, is that knee pain has started occurring after injury. That is, cause of knee pain is injury.
- Do you know, in which kind of knee injury; this medicine is given? Homeopathic medicine Arnica is given in injury cases, which have case history of blunt injury. That means, there is not any external hemorrhage; there is present, only internal hemorrhage in knee tissue and in surrounding tissue around knee.
- In which type of blunt injury cases, Homeopathic medicine Arnica is given for treatment; whether in blunt injury cases of recent origin, or in blunt injury cases of old origin? Well to inform you, if a human is having blunt knee injury of recent origin; then it can be given. It can be given also, if a human has received knee injury in past, years ago; but suffering from knee pain of that blunt knee injury, even today.
2) Second kind of symptom- in which Homeopathic medicine Arnica, relieves knee pain is that of swelling of knee, extending to leg. Injury history symptom does applies here. That, this Homeopathic medicine Arnica can only be given to relief knee pain, having knee swelling extending to leg; which is caused after blunt injury. That is, only if history of blunt knee injury is present; only then, take Homeopathic medicine Arnica, for treatment of knee swelling and knee pain.
- Does swelling is more or less in cases requiring Homoeopathic medicine Arnica? Well, this medicine can be given in both kind of cases; whether swelling is more or less.
Case history, found in knee pain cases, requiring Homoeopathic medicine Hypericum-
Just like, unique case history of cases requiring Homoeopathic medicine Arnica; Homeopathic medicine Hypericum, has its own unique case history. Case history found in knee pain cases, requiring Homeopathic medicine Hypericum consists of following symptoms-
1) Well just like, Homoeopathic medicine Arnica; Homoeopathic medicine Hypericum, is given in cases having history of knee injury; but injury, do not need to be blunt injury. Yes, it can be given in knee pain caused out of any kind of injury; the only thing required is injury needs to be of old origin and not of recent origin.
- Yes, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum can be given in those knee pain cases; which have history of knee pain in past, long years ago and not in cases having, recent knee injury case history.
- And, this knee pain, if occurring at interval of 6 months or sometime of 1 year; only then, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum is given for knee pain.
2) Second kind of cases- in which, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum, is given for treating knee pain; are those, where knee pain is of radiating type. That is, knee pain cases, in which knee pain radiates to leg and then to ankle. Note here, knee pain radiates in downward direction to feet, going through leg. If a human experiences, such kind of radiating knee pain; only in those cases, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum is given for treatment of knee pain.
3) Third is, swelling symptom; if swelling is present very minor, in knee pain; only then, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum is given.
So, these were case histories of Homeopathic medicine Arnica and Homeopathic medicine Hypericum. But, remember only take Hypericum, when all symptom of case history are present; similar thing applies to, before giving Homeopathic medicine Arnica, all symptom needs to be present.
If a case history suggests, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum; then take it in potency 200 and in dose of 3 drops of medicine, in half glass of water; three times a day, for just one day only.
- Repeat this procedure after 1 week, if pain re-occurs; but, if pain does not re-occur; then do not repeat.
- But, if pain re-occurs in 5th week; then consult your Homeopathic doctor and get your knee CT scan done.
Knee pain cases having case history, requiring treatment with Homeopathic medicine Arnica; need to take it, in potency 200 and in dose 3 drops of medicine, in half glass of water; three times a day, for just one day.
- Repeat medicine after 1 week only, if knee pain re-occurs; but, if it does not re-occurs, then do not repeat. But, if pain re-occurs in 5th week; then consult your Homeopathic Doctor for complementary Homeopathic medicine.